

Posted at 11:00 • 18 Sep • Stephen Butler • Gemsprite Crystals

Amethyst is a quartz-based mineral with extra iron. One of the most abundant and collected minerals in the world.

Metaphysical Benefits

Amethyst is used to counteract fear, anxiety, alcoholism, addictions, guilt, self-deception, and stress. It has no negative side effects. It also has POWERFUL sleep-inducing effects. It prevents nightmares and insomnia, and uses its vibrational energy to send calming waves into your third-eye chakra, helping you to sleep peacefully and deeply for hours.




Chakra: Third-Eye Goddess: Aphrodite Element: Water
Planet: Venus Energy: Yin/Receptive Zodiac: Aquarius
Hardness Vibration Number Chemical Formula

For the Amethyst Enthusiast

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