That's it?
You may be thinking to yourself, "What a load of crap."
If this is the case, thats okay! You aren't in the right mindset to be calling upon any angel guides.
Celestite does have a couple of other very beneficial uses that you might find more applicable to your every day routine.
First, it is used to soothe and calm the mind. Again, place the celestite on your head and repeat these words:
"I am floating on a cloud. I have no cares nor worries. I am weightless. I am relaxed."
Celestites vibrational energy, along with its calming blue color, have a tendency to relax even the most stressed-out of persons. Try keeping this mineral in your office, your bedroom, or anywhere you might run into a bit of negative resistance.
Secondly, celestite can also be used as a sleep-aid.
Place a bit on your bedside table and allow your spirit to be carried away to the heavens while you rest. In this case, rather than ask for guidance from the heavenly realm, the work is done for you, and your soul is shuttled to the angels for a bit of healing comfort while you sleep.
I hope this simple post will help you realize the beautiful nature of celestite and bring you the utmost amount of relaxation and heavenly bliss.
Celestite Details
- Chakra: Etheric, 5, 6, 7
- Deity: Juterna
- Element: Air
- Energy: Receptive
- Hardness: 3 - 4
- Planets: Venus & Neptune
- Vibration: 2 & 8
- Zodiac: Gemini