Okay... and what about Pink Opal?
Now that you have done that exercise, it is time to include the healing properties of this soft stone.
Pink Opal helps facilitate the process of "letting go," but puts a twist on such a simple idea. Instead of simply moving on and forgetting the past, Pink Opal uses its heart-chakra-healing energy to help transform the negative events of the past into a vital part of your present.
Start by taking one negative experience on your list while holding onto a pink opal stone. Any shape of stone works for this exercise. Think of the negative experience and how it has shaped you into the person you are today. Now, take your pink opal stone, hold it up to your heart, and state these words,
"This experience is forever a part of my being. I am grateful for the lesson learned and I will continue forward with more love, knowledge, and confidence than before."
Imagine the loving, pink hue of the stone wrapping around your heart, warming it in a soft hug of understanding and comfort as you move on with your life. Pink Opal will forever be there to help you through those bad experiences, always giving you that hug you need and the reminder that whatever has happened has shaped you into a stronger, more confident person.
Thank you for reading. I hope this article has helped you on your healing journey <3
-Stephen Butler
Pink Opal Details
Chakra: Heart
Deity: Cardea
Element: Fire
Energy: Receptive
Hardness: 6 - 7
Planets: Venus & Mars
Vibration: 6
Zodiacs: Pisces, Cancer